How To Do Two Strand Twists On Short Natural Hair (w/ Video) (2025)

Two strand twist is a hairstyle has sections of hair split into two and wrapped around each other to create a rope-like finish hairstyle. It’s a versatile style that is unisex, can be achieved with short or long hair, and can be created with larger sections of hair or smaller sections to create different-sized twists.


To do a two-strand twist, you’ll need a wide-tooth comb, a rat-tail comb, hair gel, and some small rubber bands.

A wide-toothed comb is essential to make sure you don’t have any tangles from showering or the hair clips you’re using to hold the sections of your hair apart.

A rat-tail comb is necessary to create separation in your hair. Trying to use a fine-toothed comb as a replacement will not work, as it can create more tangles if it gets caught in your wet hair. A rat-tail comb can also prevent excess frizz when separating your hair.

To finish off your two-strand twist, you’ll need to have a strong hair gel to keep the twists from coming undone. You can also use small rubber bands as an alternative.

Two strand twist hairstyles are easy to do, even for beginners. To do a two-strand twist, follow the below steps:

Step 1: Wash your hair and have it shampooed and conditioned. Rinse out all of your shampoo and conditioner before moving to the next step.

Step 2: After you’ve finished washing your hair, you’ll need to keep it damp, but not wet. Use a t-shirt to dry your hair instead of a towel. Don’t rub your hair but squeeze it to get the excess moisture out. You’ll know when your hair is ready when it doesn’t drip water from the ends.

Step 3: Using a wide-toothed comb, brush out your hair to make sure there aren’t any tangles or unseen knots. Once you’ve gone through it at least twice, switch out your wide-toothed comb for a rat-tail comb. Using that comb, separate your hair horizontally from one side of your head to the other. In order to keep these two sections separate, use strong hair clips to hold up the top section of the hair you created.

Step 4: You will need to divide your hair into even sections. This will be based on the line you created to separate the top part of your hair from the bottom. The amount of sections is up to you, but it’s common to have the sections be even in number. For example, to create six sections, you’ll first start by separating your hair into three sections below the line you made with your comb, using hair clips to make sure that they stay separated. Work from the base of your scalp up to make sure you’ve got all your hair separated.

Step 5: You’ll need to create separate sections on the top of your head. Remove the clips you had to keep the top portion of your hair separate from the bottom. Work from the front of your head to the back, keeping the sections in place with hair clips, until you have three even sections.

Step 6: Working from the bottom up, take out the hair clip in the section on the very bottom of your head, right above your neck. Working from the bottom up will allow you to better see the twists you create and amend them if any of them are too loose. Using a wide-toothed comb, comb out the section of hair and then create a smaller section using your fingers.

Step 7: Separate your smaller section into two strands. You can optionally use a small rubber band close to the roots of your new section to hold it in place. This also frees up your hands to begin the twisting process.

Step 8: Take the two strands, and cross them left over right until you get to the end of the strands. The ends should curl together naturally, but will still need to be secured by a strong hair gel so that they don’t come undone.

Step 9: Continue to create two-strand twists in the bottom section of your hair until you have no other hair in the section left to work with.

Step 10: Repeat steps 6 through 9 until your entire hair is covered in two-strand twists.

The best way to protect your two-strand twists during the night is to wear a satin hair cover. A satin scarf or a satin cap will make sure that your strands don’t rub against your skin or your pillow and come undone.

Another way to protect your twists is to arrange them on the top of your head, tie them into a loose ponytail using a soft scrunchie, and then, wrap it with a silk scarf or bonnet. This helps to keep them from flattening.

To retwist your strands, apply a styling cream to your twists and begin twisting them in a clockwise direction from the root to the tip. When you get near the tip, place the twist on your palm and roll it in a clockwise direction with your palm.

Each twist should be palm rolled clockwise and then clipped up once they’re rerolled. It’s recommended to start a the bottom of your hair and work your way up.

Allow the cream to dry, then unclip the twists and let them gain their natural volume back. You should be retwisting your two-strand twists every four weeks to keep them in their shape.

A simple way to tighten a two-strand twist is to twirl the twist around your finger. Using your pointer finger, wrap one of your twists around your finger in a counter-clockwise motion. Let the motion tighten the strands, then slowly move your finger down the strand to release it.

How To Do Two Strand Twists On Short Natural Hair (w/ Video) (2025)


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